New prices - effective July, 2021

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New Prices

Dear Customers,

Due to the sharp increase in the price of supplies and antibodies that make up the components of our testing kits, Agrinostics will need to increase the price of the diagnostic kits and services provided. Beginning: July 2021. We encourage you to order any kits that you may need in the near future in order to take advantage of current pricing. We appreciate your business and welcome any feedback you may have on our products.

Kindest Regards,

Kim & Nick Hill

New Products

Phytoscreen PT ergot alkaloid kit - This quantitative ELISA kit can analyze 54 samples for ergot alkaloids in plant tissues containing 0 to 4 ppm. Samples with higher alkaloid concentration can be diluted for analysis.

Phytoscreen urine creatinine kit - This first and simple colorimetric kit utilizes the microplate format typical of ELISA to analyze up to 54 samples. It can be analyzed on any microplate reader capable of reading at a wavelength of 490-510 nm.

Phytoscreen Fusarium graminearum kit - This ELISA kit is designed to give unique data for plant breeders and pathologists who want to quantify Fusarium graminearum. Whether looking for sources of disease resistance or trying to understand disease epidemiology, this kit quantifies the organism, not its secondary metabolite.

New Services

Fusaruim graminearum analysis

Ergot alkaloid analysis for urine

Urine creatinine

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Agrinostics Ltd. Co.
1080 Hardigree Rd. Watkinsville, GA 30677
706-705-2119 (lab) 706-612-7468 (cell)
 FIN: 58-2335580